I'm sensing that those who have been brave enough to come this far and have either heard about me and/or found this blog and are at last randomly curious might want to know a little bit more about what it is I actually do...
Who am I to not respond? :-)
Let's get started then.
Who I am: Come closer, and let me surprise you. Are your curious to know who I am? Are you wondering who the person behind the armored mask and suit really is? Is your curiosity so piqued that you just cannot resist not knowing about me and what I'm doing that you might just explode or go crazy with anticipation?
Allow me to indulge your curiosity then...
for those who don't already know by now I...am DarkShadow, He who wields the Blade of the Whirlwind, the Lightning Blade, the Umbra Obscurum, the Shadow Without Name. I'm just a normal, average guy who lives a normal (depending on your point of view) life. I work, i have friends, i have children, I have Hopes, Dreams, and Ambitions and try to get by in this world just like every body else...with a few exceptions. I'm someone who has both seen and gone through a lot in his life to know that there is something very, very wrong in this world that we all live in. There's so much in the world that needs covering that I don't even think there's room on a blog to cover it all...not that it wouldn't be worth trying though. Like I told you, I'm just a normal guy who has lived a lot, seen a lot, and is sick and tired of watching his fellow man and woman have to deal with selfish, cruel, and unfair suffering that's unnecessarily being shoved down our throats for no particular reason than we were just setup to receive what Life gives us from the short end of the stick...
I'm just a normal, average guy and you want know something, something that will really blow our mind and surprise the crap out of you...?
I'm you.
What I do: How does One put this in layman's terms? Hmm...What does a shadow actually do?
How does one actually define what a shadow
really is? Technically speaking, all a Shadow is really is a disruption
of the EM torsion that;s produced by a light source. A Shadow consists
of 3 distinctive elements, a light source, a disrupting element, and an
object, placed in the disrupting object's background.
In plain English, a Shadow can be defined as a phantom, a ghost, or One who secretly or discreetly tracks or follows.
can say basically that this is what I do actually. I am for all intense
and purposes a Shadow, a Dark Shadow, One who uses or hides in the
Darkness, listening, observing, watching, and recording. I keep an eye
on things as they happen. Good things and bad things..especially the bad
things. I'm the pair of eyes in the Dark that make sure the local riff
raff doesn't get too out of hand.
And you don't even know I'm there.
Where I am: Look around you, if you a see a shadow, and I'm quite certain that you have at some point in time, chances are...you've seen me.
When: An interesting question within itself. When you ask? Look around you. Look at your TV, your newspaper, the Internet, Blogs and such, etc. And you are wondering when would be a good time for people like to to start trying to make a difference? You say when, I say there's no better time than now.
How: Well since some of us were not exactly blessed with a certain fictional billionaire's back account, (hint, hint) I try to make due with what I have the present time which for now...doesn't amount to squat. But I manage to gather what I can from time to time. It's a slow proccess, but...at least it's a start.
Why: The world, in it's present direction, is in a really sorry state, There's tons of wrong going on out there and asking why someone, or anyone for that matter would do something like this is, in my humble opinion...stupid. The question here isn't why I would do something like this...the real question is, why not?
How do you know about the Training Initiative?
Word get's around. I hear about things like this from time to time.
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