This section deals with any random of other questions you may have about my said person and what I do. Realistic questions will be answered thoroughly and with respect. Stupid or inane questions will result in a swift kick where it counts and the possibility of the said troll possibly being eaten in a cannibalistic manner
With that said, let us proceed:
A fellow RLSH asks:
1. What's your favorite ice cream?
I actually don't like or eat ice cream. Shocking to some maybe, I guess I ate so much of when I was young, I just outgrew the taste. I'm weird, what can I tell you?
2. What's your favorite meme?
Very good question. I have TONS of fave memes. most of them involve cats. My recent fave is one involving RLSH's. They are fairly new. My fave is one of me saying something about ending something painfully. Heh heheh. DarkShadow likes.
3. What does DarkShadow mean to you.
A serious question, good. I like those. The name DarkShadow is basically my real-world alter ego. He's a confident, dark, mysterious, angry, and embittered individual who has been wronged in a lot of ways but yet strives to press forward in the right way instead of winding up on the front page of a paper or Internet as yet another statistic that's gone postal. he represents all the suffering, anger, and pain that I've gone through in my life at present and he's not very pleasant to be around but know this...I'm loyal and I'll have your back till the end , unless you piss me off or hurt me in a deep personal way. Then, my the gods have mercy on your ass because I won't. I'm nobody's puppet anymore.
as a RSLH what would you consider your biggest accomplishment to date?
Ok, what are you going to do for your domain, as you'd say. What specifically are you doing to help?
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